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MantisBT Powered by GlobalSolutions
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MantisBT is an open source bug tracking system commonly used to track software defects while developing and releasing products. We have
made it easy for the user to start using the feature of the product rather than to spend time in installing and configuring the product.

We have made this production ready and have bundled with all the components that is required to run this application. We have made sure the image is hardened so it secured from all existing vulnerabilities. In addition to this we also provide patch management solution which can be enabled on these instances as you take them to production using our PatchManagement solution. You can learn more about our PatchManagement solution from

Why Subscribe to our offering in AWS Marketplace
How to Access our AMIs from AWS Marketplace
Installation Location
Category Packages Version Used Location
RDBMS MYSQL 5.7.19 C:\Program Files\MySQL
Web Server Apache 2.4.57 C:\Apache24
PHP PHP 7.1.33 C:\PHP
phpMyAdmin phpMyAdmin 5.1.1 C:\Apache24\htdocs\phpmyadmin
MantisBT MantisBT 2.7.0 C:\Apache24\htdocs\mantisbt
MySQL and phpMyAdmin Login
Username Password
root Instance_ID of EC2
Where to find your Instance ID
  • You can find the instance ID in your AWS console. When you select your instance, it shows in the bottom half of the page with all the instance information. (or)
  • When you login to the server using the remote desktop you can see it in the desktop screen.
Getting Started -

The MantisBT offering of GlobalSolutions comes prepackaged with all the dependent components for MantisBT. All the user has to do is subscribe to our AMI and start using it right away.

Accessing the Application.

To access the MantisBT application please click on the MantisBT Login icon in your desktop. This will take you to MantisBT Login Page. Alternative way is to point your browser to http://localhost/mantisbt/login_page.php), Type in the User name as administrator and password as your Instance_ID. The instance ID of your EC2 instance can be seen in the desktop top right corner or by going to your AWS console. (please refer to the above 'where to find the Instance_ID" section).
After logging into MantisBT as an Administrator first you have to change the default admin email and other details with your own details by going to My Account.

Email Configuration

Configuring the email setting is a challenging task. First thing one have to do is to configure company's email server details in config_inc.php file. Below we have given the sample email server configuration which needs to be added at the end of config_inc.php file located at C:\Apache24\htdocs\mantisbt\config. Please update the sample email server details with your company's email server details and add it at the end of config_inc.php file.

$g_allow_signup = ON;
$g_enable_email_notification = ON; //enables the email messages
$g_phpMailer_method = PHPMAILER_METHOD_SMTP;
$g_smtp_host = 'Your Company's SMTP server';
$g_smtp_connection_mode = 'tls';
$g_smtp_port = 587;
$g_smtp_username = 'Your SMTP server Username';
$g_smtp_password = 'Your SMTP server User Password';
$g_administrator_email = 'Your admin email account';

How to access MantisBT from the Web

  • Make sure to get an elastic IP and associate with the instance
  • If you have a domain name, goto the DNS settings and update the IP address
  • Now you can access the application from outside using the domain name or elastic IP


Please contact us at for any questions on this offering in AWS Marketplace.
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